About Our Candles

Each step of the way at Flickerby Can­dles we strive to bring you the absolute best can­dle for the best price pos­si­ble. The most impor­tant aspect of our can­dles is the wax we use. Early tests of var­i­ous waxes lead us to be a strong sup­porter of Soy Wax.

Good, old-fashioned, earth grown soy­beans are used to cre­ate all of our envi­ron­men­tally friendly soy waxes. Our waxes are fur­ther enhanced with the finest care­fully selected botan­i­cal oils, adding to their per­for­mance char­ac­ter­is­tics. Our soy waxes are guar­an­teed to con­tain NO petro­leum, paraf­fin or beeswax prod­ucts. Our waxes are 100% vegetable.

EcoSoya® waxes have been approved by the United States Food and Drug Admin­is­tra­tion and Kosher Cer­ti­fi­ca­tion cri­te­ria. Every pound of our wax is ana­lyzed in a state of the art lab­o­ra­tory to assure its quality.

All EcoSoya® soy waxes:

Are made in the USA with DOMESTICALLY grown crops.
Are 100% veg­etable, made with Pure Soy­bean oil, GUARANTEED!
Are all NATURAL and biodegradable.
Are man­u­fac­tured meet­ing FDA standards.
Are Kosher Certified.
Are NOT tested on animals.
Are FREE of palm wax.
Are FREE of petro­leum, paraf­fin or beeswax products.
Are FREE of pes­ti­cides and herbicides.
Are FREE of toxic materials.
Are FREE of Genet­i­cally Mod­i­fied Material.
Are con­sid­ered GRAS under the Food, Drug and Cos­metic Act.
Now more than just wax goes into a can­dle. Fra­grance oils are equally impor­tant in our process. All of our fra­grance oils com­ply with the strictest global RIFM and IFRA standards.

Even our wicks are eco-friendly. They are all-natural and primed in veg­etable oil to ensure a clean burn for your indoor air quality.

So at Flickerby Can­dles you can feel good about your can­dle pur­chase because we have taken every mea­sure to make sure that it is a high qual­ity product.