Most peo ple don’t put much thought into burn ing a can dle. It seems sim ple enough, right? Well here at Flickerby Can dles we are obsessed with can dles and the sci ence of burn ing a can dle. Don’t worry there really isn’t that much to it. With just a few sim ple tricks you can ensure a great burn for your newly bought Flickerby Candle.
The Mem ory Burn
If you pur chased a pil lar can dle, the first time you light it is referred to as it’s “Mem ory Burn”. Burn the can dle for one hour for every inch of its diam e ter. This will allow the pool of wax to extend all the way to the out side rim of the can dle and pre vent your can dle from form ing a “canyon” in the cen ter. Extin guish the flame of the can dle after this time period and let it cool. Now your can dle will “remem ber” to burn out to the rim for future burns.
Trim Your Wick
Keep your wick trimmed to ¼ inch! This will aid in two key can dle fea tures. It will help your can dle burn clean and smoke free, and it will also give your can dle the opti mal wick length for the best scent throw. Do not attempt to trim while the wick is lit. Just extin guish the flame, let the melt pool cool com pletely, trim to ¼ inch and re-light the wick. This is true for all types of candles.
Keep it Clean
Don’t let pieces of debris gather in the melt pool. If wick trim mings or other debris col lect in the melt pool it can cause your can dle to smoke. Just extin guish the flame, let the melt pool cool, and remove the debris.
If your can dle is smok ing despite trim ming the wick and check ing for debris in the melt pool, extin guish the can dle imme di ately. Trim the wick again a lit tle more and allow to cool before relight ing. The smok ing will stop.
With a qual ity can dle, you shouldn’t have prob lems with smok ing, but it is worth remem ber ing that scented can dles will smoke more than unscented candles.
When you burn a highly scented can dle, some times “mush room ing” will occur on the wick. Treat this as a friendly reminder that you need to trim the wick.
Can dles need to breathe. If you burn a can dle in a small room, it is likely to smoke. Please con sider the size of your room when you dis play your new candles.
Never “blow out” a can dle. Blow ing will spray the wax every where and cause the can dle to drip and smoke. The most effec tive way to extin guish the flame of a can dle is to use a can dle snuffer. If you don’t own a snuffer, the best way to extin guish the can dle is to place your fore fin ger in front of the flame before you blow. This clever trick means that the air will hit the flame from the sides instead of hit ting it directly.